Tuesday, April 28, 2020

What Makes a Good Hotel Web Site Good free essay sample

Other than that, he also points out the importance of search engine optimization for the hotel websites and gives us a list of recommendations for the optimization as follows: Give the search engines something to find and index. †¢ Include keywords that people should expect to find your hotel by searching on. †¢ Write page titles according to the content. †¢ Limit the use of Flash and other rich media to accents rather than foundations. †¢ Code the navigation elements (menu items) in HTML text (good) rather than in graphic images (bad)? †¢ Seek out inbound links, but be jealous with outbound ones. †¢ Use internal links embedded in the copy to help the search engines know what the linked-to pages are about. I think this article is a good start for people who are not literate enough in web technologies. The author lists the key purposes of a hotel website as follows: †¢ To create incremental revenue through direct online booking or stimulating direct offline booking †¢ To project the hotel brand identity and value proposition to the traveling public and press on the Internet †¢ To provide information about the property to enhance the guest’s stay †¢ To provide a vehicle for a continued dialog with guests and potential guests He also talks about what is needed for a good website in terms of functionality such as what to haves and what not to haves in the website. We will write a custom essay sample on What Makes a Good Hotel Web Site Good? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, he doesnt depict how a websites look and feel should be. I think that would be better even for people without web-development knowledge. If the aim is professionals, then a more detailed and technical article on the specifics of desing and database issues should be put on the table.

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