Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay Armor of Ancient Rome - 3050 Words

Armor of Ancient Rome Ancient Rome expended a great deal of economic resources and effort upon conquest and expansion through military means. The role of armor was fundamental in this expansion as it played a significant role in the success of the Roman armies on the battlefield. There were three common requirements for armor construction throughout its history: The first was that armor had to be flexible enough to allow the wearer freedom of movement; second, it also had to be lightweight enough to be worn without tiring the wearer while providing protection against opponents weapons; and third, armor had to be cost effective. These three aspects influenced the evolution of Roman cuirass (lorica) design throughout Rome’s†¦show more content†¦Further reorganization occurred after the civil war of A.D.69, when the victorious Flavian dynasty dispersed disloyal units. As the Empires expansion slowed, permanent borders were established. Auxiliaries patrolled the borders and legionnaires were stationed within the frontiers to act as a strategic reserve and intimidate potentially rebellious provinces. The army can be divided into two distinct parts: the legion and the auxiliary ( auxilia), with a marked social division existing between the two. Only Roman citizens could become legionnaires, while auxilia were composed of non citizens recruited from Romes client states and tribes. These legions were supported by the non citizen auxilia consisting of infantry cohorts and cavalry (alae). A legion consisted of around 5,000 men which were mostly heavy foot soldiers. However, it is only possible to attempt a rough estimate of the men who constituted a legion. It has been estimated that the total number of Roman troops, including legions and auxilia, numbered more than 300,000 during the first century A.D. It has also been assumed that the legionary and auxiliary troops were equipped differently. This notion is based on evidence from a single source, Trajans column, whic h shows clear distinctions between legionary and auxiliary equipment. The early view put forward by historians such as Webster was that the equipment issued to legionnaires was remarkably uniform throughout theShow MoreRelatedA Day in Ancient Rome1415 Words   |  6 PagesIf I had to choose an ancient time or civilization to live in I would choose Rome. I would choose Rome because I find their lifestyle to be more down to earth then most other ancient civilizations, specifically the Greeks. Their artwork, building, and excellent military are major points of interest to me. Further, in examining what daily life would be like for me in that time I chose to research both the life of a patrician, or upper class man, and the life of a soldier. In the following paragraphsRead MoreWho were the Roman Gladiators? Essay813 Words   |  4 Pages Gladiator The gladiators where the pro football players of their time. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Deconstruction Free Essays

A post-structuralism reading looks into this hierarchy in order to show that is not sustained throughout such works, or showing that he two terms are not oppositional but are interdependent and interrelated (Senators 145). There is philosophical acknowledgement of the fact that what human beings experience and claim to know about this world appear just only as they are understood by the human mind. Hence, there is a division created between the mental appearance and the â€Å"things in themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Deconstruction or any similar topic only for you Order Now † This sets stage for limitability of such work as incorporates division of the things and the words, condition of discourses for the appearance of things inside our knowledge or the systems of truth versus the real things in the material world. Furthermore Dermis’s prose is usually difficult since he IS made aware of the problems of metallurgy, that is, the phrases, terms, metaphors and vocabulary as used in the description of culture and philosophy as expressed in words, and the turns and twists of metaphor and rhetoric we buy into when making and writing arguments (Wise 89). Deconstruction doesn’t mean demolition of truth or reality, but subverting illusions in our ideologies and engage that pretend to raise unquestionable universal or natural grounds for belief and knowledge. How to cite Deconstruction, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Optical Network Design and Planning †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Optical Network Design and Planning. Answer: Introduction In this report, a range of methods and options have been discussed that can be used to design networks. The network designing will be conducted in the next assessment. This report discusses the options that can be used to complete the network designing management. The aim of the report is written as follows:- To discuss how data flows through the internet To evaluate certain protocols and applications that are used to transfer data management over the internet To discuss and assess the change and evolution of the internet Among IT professionals and businesses, one of the most popular network layout and mapping software is Microsoft Visio. The pro version of the software is priced well and its Ribbon and menu user interface is used in several software packages. The latest version allows the users to comment on diagrams using Sharepoint in a browser or through the software itself. It can also accept messages from Lync or Microsoft Skype ("Visio - Microsoft Store", 2018). It contains over thousands of shapes and 80 templates which are pre-built. From an IT perspective, it contains network routes, appliances, detailed components and Active Directory. For data centres, home networks, enterprises, HVAC layout and help desk, it has pre-built shapes and components and offers several other options (Vaishnavi Kuechler, 2015). It is a serious tool for people who want diagramming capabilities. Microsoft Visio operates in Windows operating system only. It does not exist for Linux, Mac or Android. It has no real time collaboration. It does not run on mobile devices either. The latest pro version of the software is very expensive. It is not justifiable to use it in enterprises while comparing to other similar software such as Lucidchart. Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper is used for measuring and monitoring the performance of large and medium sized infrastructures. The software has an intuitive user interface and is very simple to handle. For example, the dashboards that are present in the software are very highly appreciated (Eberhart, 2014). Due to this, it is very easy for someone to tell the personnel about making it autonomous, not requiring the intervention of an administrator. It has extreme modularity and has a good integration with other companies ("Network Topology Mapper - Topology Mapping Software | SolarWinds", 2018). This is possible due to its Relational Data base that is distributed through SolarWinds module. Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper is also capable of adding polling engines to the managed devices and offers full scalability at all levels of infrastructure. It also has an extra advantage due to its online community called THWACK where users can ask any questions to get direct clarification from the product managers. Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper does not have automatic creation of topological maps during the process of discovery which does not provide a proper visualization of the OSI connection levels between the equipment. It needs an extra component called Network Atlas to address this issue. During complex problems, the simplicity of the user interface can be quite troublesome for the operator. Another disadvantage of this software is due to the extra modularity, it takes a lot of time to go through historical data. The increasing information from the data collection system could have a negative impact on the performance of the application. Designed by Cisco, Cisco packet tracer allows the user to experiment with certain network behaviour such as collaboration capabilities, assessment, authoring, visualization and simulation. It is a network simulator software which helps to design and configure networks. It provides a comprehensive demonstration of configurations ad technologies visually. It provides the user with visual simulations that can get immediate feedback from clients. It has a feature called workspaces where users can make a network by combining, clustering and placing virtual network devices (Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1, 2018). The physical workspace provides a graphical interpretation of the placement of the network devices around the infrastructure. Moreover, it has two modes namely, simulation mode and real time mode. In the real time mode, users can get a real life experience from the devices. In the simulation mode, the time intervals and other data transfer controls of the network can be changed and simula ted. The software is very versatile. It can be carried anywhere, even in a USB module. The software consumes very less amount of energy and has one of the lowest noise levels among other similar products. There is a lack of commands to describe routers that are present in a non-broadcast network. Manual summarisation is not supported. The reference bandwidth cannot be changed from default. The load balancing options cannot be changed from default as well (Simmons, 2014). The debugging hellos and OSPF packets are not supported. Further, Etherchannels which are present in the access layer switches are not supported. Conclusion To conclude the report, it can be stated that for the following assignment of Network designing, Cisco Packet tracer would be a proper choice due to its two modes of operation. The simulation mode negates the need for the user to buy expensive infrastructure for network implementation. Moreover, the software is versatile and can be carried at the place of network designing for intricate information. Therefore, unlike the other two options, choosing Cisco Packet tracer would be a viable option for conducting network designing. References Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 : Download free labs and tutorials for CCNA certification exam preparation. (2018).Packet Tracer Network. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from https://www.packettracernetwork.com/ Eberhart, R. C. (Ed.). (2014).Neural network PC tools: a practical guide. Academic Press. Network Topology Mapper - Topology Mapping Software | SolarWinds. (2018).Solarwinds.com. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.solarwinds.com/network-topology-mapper Simmons, J. M. (2014).Optical network design and planning. Springer. Vaishnavi, V. K., Kuechler, W. (2015).Design science research methods and patterns: innovating information and communication technology. Crc Press. Visio - Microsoft Store. (2018).Microsoft Store. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/collections/visio/pc