Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay Armor of Ancient Rome - 3050 Words

Armor of Ancient Rome Ancient Rome expended a great deal of economic resources and effort upon conquest and expansion through military means. The role of armor was fundamental in this expansion as it played a significant role in the success of the Roman armies on the battlefield. There were three common requirements for armor construction throughout its history: The first was that armor had to be flexible enough to allow the wearer freedom of movement; second, it also had to be lightweight enough to be worn without tiring the wearer while providing protection against opponents weapons; and third, armor had to be cost effective. These three aspects influenced the evolution of Roman cuirass (lorica) design throughout Rome’s†¦show more content†¦Further reorganization occurred after the civil war of A.D.69, when the victorious Flavian dynasty dispersed disloyal units. As the Empires expansion slowed, permanent borders were established. Auxiliaries patrolled the borders and legionnaires were stationed within the frontiers to act as a strategic reserve and intimidate potentially rebellious provinces. The army can be divided into two distinct parts: the legion and the auxiliary ( auxilia), with a marked social division existing between the two. Only Roman citizens could become legionnaires, while auxilia were composed of non citizens recruited from Romes client states and tribes. These legions were supported by the non citizen auxilia consisting of infantry cohorts and cavalry (alae). A legion consisted of around 5,000 men which were mostly heavy foot soldiers. However, it is only possible to attempt a rough estimate of the men who constituted a legion. It has been estimated that the total number of Roman troops, including legions and auxilia, numbered more than 300,000 during the first century A.D. It has also been assumed that the legionary and auxiliary troops were equipped differently. This notion is based on evidence from a single source, Trajans column, whic h shows clear distinctions between legionary and auxiliary equipment. The early view put forward by historians such as Webster was that the equipment issued to legionnaires was remarkably uniform throughout theShow MoreRelatedA Day in Ancient Rome1415 Words   |  6 PagesIf I had to choose an ancient time or civilization to live in I would choose Rome. I would choose Rome because I find their lifestyle to be more down to earth then most other ancient civilizations, specifically the Greeks. Their artwork, building, and excellent military are major points of interest to me. Further, in examining what daily life would be like for me in that time I chose to research both the life of a patrician, or upper class man, and the life of a soldier. In the following paragraphsRead MoreWho were the Roman Gladiators? Essay813 Words   |  4 Pages Gladiator The gladiators where the pro football players of their time. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Deconstruction Free Essays

A post-structuralism reading looks into this hierarchy in order to show that is not sustained throughout such works, or showing that he two terms are not oppositional but are interdependent and interrelated (Senators 145). There is philosophical acknowledgement of the fact that what human beings experience and claim to know about this world appear just only as they are understood by the human mind. Hence, there is a division created between the mental appearance and the â€Å"things in themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Deconstruction or any similar topic only for you Order Now † This sets stage for limitability of such work as incorporates division of the things and the words, condition of discourses for the appearance of things inside our knowledge or the systems of truth versus the real things in the material world. Furthermore Dermis’s prose is usually difficult since he IS made aware of the problems of metallurgy, that is, the phrases, terms, metaphors and vocabulary as used in the description of culture and philosophy as expressed in words, and the turns and twists of metaphor and rhetoric we buy into when making and writing arguments (Wise 89). Deconstruction doesn’t mean demolition of truth or reality, but subverting illusions in our ideologies and engage that pretend to raise unquestionable universal or natural grounds for belief and knowledge. How to cite Deconstruction, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Optical Network Design and Planning †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Optical Network Design and Planning. Answer: Introduction In this report, a range of methods and options have been discussed that can be used to design networks. The network designing will be conducted in the next assessment. This report discusses the options that can be used to complete the network designing management. The aim of the report is written as follows:- To discuss how data flows through the internet To evaluate certain protocols and applications that are used to transfer data management over the internet To discuss and assess the change and evolution of the internet Among IT professionals and businesses, one of the most popular network layout and mapping software is Microsoft Visio. The pro version of the software is priced well and its Ribbon and menu user interface is used in several software packages. The latest version allows the users to comment on diagrams using Sharepoint in a browser or through the software itself. It can also accept messages from Lync or Microsoft Skype ("Visio - Microsoft Store", 2018). It contains over thousands of shapes and 80 templates which are pre-built. From an IT perspective, it contains network routes, appliances, detailed components and Active Directory. For data centres, home networks, enterprises, HVAC layout and help desk, it has pre-built shapes and components and offers several other options (Vaishnavi Kuechler, 2015). It is a serious tool for people who want diagramming capabilities. Microsoft Visio operates in Windows operating system only. It does not exist for Linux, Mac or Android. It has no real time collaboration. It does not run on mobile devices either. The latest pro version of the software is very expensive. It is not justifiable to use it in enterprises while comparing to other similar software such as Lucidchart. Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper is used for measuring and monitoring the performance of large and medium sized infrastructures. The software has an intuitive user interface and is very simple to handle. For example, the dashboards that are present in the software are very highly appreciated (Eberhart, 2014). Due to this, it is very easy for someone to tell the personnel about making it autonomous, not requiring the intervention of an administrator. It has extreme modularity and has a good integration with other companies ("Network Topology Mapper - Topology Mapping Software | SolarWinds", 2018). This is possible due to its Relational Data base that is distributed through SolarWinds module. Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper is also capable of adding polling engines to the managed devices and offers full scalability at all levels of infrastructure. It also has an extra advantage due to its online community called THWACK where users can ask any questions to get direct clarification from the product managers. Solarwinds Network Topology Mapper does not have automatic creation of topological maps during the process of discovery which does not provide a proper visualization of the OSI connection levels between the equipment. It needs an extra component called Network Atlas to address this issue. During complex problems, the simplicity of the user interface can be quite troublesome for the operator. Another disadvantage of this software is due to the extra modularity, it takes a lot of time to go through historical data. The increasing information from the data collection system could have a negative impact on the performance of the application. Designed by Cisco, Cisco packet tracer allows the user to experiment with certain network behaviour such as collaboration capabilities, assessment, authoring, visualization and simulation. It is a network simulator software which helps to design and configure networks. It provides a comprehensive demonstration of configurations ad technologies visually. It provides the user with visual simulations that can get immediate feedback from clients. It has a feature called workspaces where users can make a network by combining, clustering and placing virtual network devices (Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1, 2018). The physical workspace provides a graphical interpretation of the placement of the network devices around the infrastructure. Moreover, it has two modes namely, simulation mode and real time mode. In the real time mode, users can get a real life experience from the devices. In the simulation mode, the time intervals and other data transfer controls of the network can be changed and simula ted. The software is very versatile. It can be carried anywhere, even in a USB module. The software consumes very less amount of energy and has one of the lowest noise levels among other similar products. There is a lack of commands to describe routers that are present in a non-broadcast network. Manual summarisation is not supported. The reference bandwidth cannot be changed from default. The load balancing options cannot be changed from default as well (Simmons, 2014). The debugging hellos and OSPF packets are not supported. Further, Etherchannels which are present in the access layer switches are not supported. Conclusion To conclude the report, it can be stated that for the following assignment of Network designing, Cisco Packet tracer would be a proper choice due to its two modes of operation. The simulation mode negates the need for the user to buy expensive infrastructure for network implementation. Moreover, the software is versatile and can be carried at the place of network designing for intricate information. Therefore, unlike the other two options, choosing Cisco Packet tracer would be a viable option for conducting network designing. References Cisco Packet Tracer 7.1 : Download free labs and tutorials for CCNA certification exam preparation. (2018).Packet Tracer Network. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from https://www.packettracernetwork.com/ Eberhart, R. C. (Ed.). (2014).Neural network PC tools: a practical guide. Academic Press. Network Topology Mapper - Topology Mapping Software | SolarWinds. (2018).Solarwinds.com. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.solarwinds.com/network-topology-mapper Simmons, J. M. (2014).Optical network design and planning. Springer. Vaishnavi, V. K., Kuechler, W. (2015).Design science research methods and patterns: innovating information and communication technology. Crc Press. Visio - Microsoft Store. (2018).Microsoft Store. Retrieved 6 April 2018, from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/collections/visio/pc

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Watergate Scandal In The White House Essay free essay sample

Watergate ; Scandal In The White House Essay, Research Paper The Watergate Scandal was a series of offenses committed by the President Nixon and his staff members who were found to of spied on and harassed political oppositions, accepted illegal run parts, and covered up their ain misbehaviors. On June 17, 1972, The Washington Post published a little narrative. In which the newsmans stated that five work forces had been arrested interrupting into the central office of the Democratic National Committee. These bumbling saps had made two efforts prior ; the first clip they were halted in their attempts due to what they thought was an dismay, their 2nd attempt the following twenty-four hours led them to no better decision, when they were confronted by a locked door, which they were unable to open. Finally on the 3rd twenty-four hours ( Sunday ) holding sent the locksmith back to Miami on a twenty-four hours unit of ammunition trip, they got the door wrenched unfastened and went in. We will write a custom essay sample on Watergate Scandal In The White House Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ( Emery, 05 ) . The democratic central offices were located in a Washington, D.C. edifice composite called Watergate. These burglars were transporting equipment to intercept telephones and take images of paperss. The Washington Post had two newsmans who researched deep into the narrative. Their names were Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, they discovered that one of the suspects had an address book with the name and phone figure of a White House functionary who could hold been involved in the offense ( Woodward ) . The newsmans suspected that other White House functionaries had ordered the housebreaking. During a imperativeness conference in August of 1972, president Nixon said that cipher on the White House staff was involved in the offense. Most of the public accepted Nixon # 8217 ; s word and dropped the inquiring. But when the burglars went to test four months subsequently. The narrative changed quickly from a little perturbation to a national dirt, which ended merely when Richard Nixon was forced from office. The Watergate probe finally exposed a long series of illegal activities in the Nixon disposal. Nixon and his staff were found to hold spied on and harassed political oppositions, embezzled run parts and tried to cover-up their illegal Acts of the Apostless. For old ages Nixon was transporting on the offenses and they were non noticed until 1972. 1969 was the day of the month in which the Watergate dirt truly began. It all started when Nixon had the White House staff make up a list called the enemies list. Nixon had enemies, which include about 300 broad politicians, journalists and histrions. Most of these people made a public address against the Vietnam War. Nixon # 8217 ; s AIDSs formed a revenue enhancement audit on these `enemies # 8217 ; ( Feinberg, 75 ) . He besides had agents find out personal information that would harm them politically. Nixon was ever worried about authorities employees uncovering secret information to the newspapers or other media beginnings. The president # 8217 ; s agents helped him by wiretapping phone lines that belonged to newsmans in order to happen out any uncovering stuff. Nixon was so disquieted about internal espionage that during the Cambodia bombardment he felt he had to intercept his ain staff members. In June of 1971, The New York Times formed work that was published about the history of the Vietnam War ; these were known as the Pentagon Documents. The classified information pointed towards some policies that may hold been responsible for doing the Vietnam War. Daniel Ellsberg, a former employee, gave some classified paperss to the Washington station. Nixon was infuriated by their publishes. Nixon so tried to writhe Ellsberg # 8217 ; s actions into a signifier of lese majesty, but Nixon did non desire to take Ellsberg to tribunal. Alternatively he made a secret group of CIA agents that went by the codification name pipe fitters this is a name made up # 8220 ; because they cover up leaks # 8221 ; ( Schudson, p.18 ) , that could ache the White House, such as the Pentagon documents. While they were seeking for implying grounds the # 8220 ; Plumbers # 8221 ; stumbled across Ellsberg # 8217 ; s psychiatrist # 8217 ; s office. Although they discovered nil incorrect they were non content to go forthing Ellsberg entirely and it is believed that they had initiated a program to seek and farther disrepute Ellsberg # 8217 ; s repute ( Watergate, Cover-up ) . One of Nixon # 8217 ; s biggest concerns was about holding adequate ballots for the election in 1972. Nixon was concerned that Edmund Muskie of Maine would win because he was the strongest Democratic campaigner. Hoping to pass over out Edmund from the competition, the Plumbers began to play a clump of so called `dirty fast ones # 8217 ; ( Schudson, 26 ) . They issued false statements in Muskie # 8217 ; s name and told the imperativeness false rumours about him, so that the pipe fitters could print it to the populace. Worst of all, they sent a missive to the New Hampshire newspaper saying that Muskie was doing average comments about Gallic Canadian lineage. All of these slurs enabled Nixon to derive farther land on Muskie in the elections. Despite Nixon # 8217 ; s attempts the Democratic nomination went to George McGovern, a broad senator from South Dakota. His protagonists included many people who backed the civil rights, anti-war and environmental motions of the sixtiess. McGovern had fought to do the nomination procedure more unfastened and democratic. Congress had at that clip passed the 23rd amendment of the Constitution leting eighteen-year-Olds to vote. As a consequence, the 1972 Democratic Convention was the foremost to include big Numberss of adult female, minorities and a younger crowd among the delegates. McGovern # 8217 ; s run ran into problem early. The imperativeness revealed that his running mate Thomas Eagleton had one time received psychiatric intervention. First McGovern stood by Eagleton, and so he abandoned him taking a different running mate. In add-on, many Democratic electors were attached to Nixon because of his conservative places on the Vietnam War. Meanwhile, Nixon # 8217 ; s run sailed swimmingly along, aided by 1000000s of dollars in financess, Nixon # 8217 ; s run functionaries collected much of the money illicitly. Major corporations were told to # 8220 ; lend # 8221 ; at least 100,000 dollars each. The aggregators made it clear that the contributions could easy purchase the parties favor with the White House. Many big corporations went along. As ship building baron George Steinbrenner said ; it was a shakedown, a field antique shakedown ( Watergate, the secret narrative ) . The concluding blow to McGovern # 8217 ; s opportunities for presidential term came merely yearss before the election, when Kissinger announced that peace was at manus in Vietnam. McGovern had made his political repute as a critic of the Vietnam War, and the proclamation took the air current out of his canvass. Nixon tallied an tremendous triumph. He received over 60 per centum of the popular ballot and won every province except Massachusetts ( Kutler, 43 ) . Congress nevertheless remained under Democratic control. In January of 1973, two months after Nixon had won the presidential election, the misbehaviors of Watergate began to come up. The Watergate burglars went on test in a Washington D.C. courtroom. James McCord, one of the burglars, gave shocking grounds. McCord testified that people in higher office had paid stillness money to the burglars who were involved in Watergate ( Emery, 276 ) . McCord a former CIA agent who had led the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961, McCord worked for the Nixon re-election run. With the stillness money they were supposed to hide the White Houses engagement in Watergate. After the prosecuting lawyer investigated he rapidly found out that the lawyer General, John Mitchell, approved the housebreaking. Even thought John Mitchell was one of the most sure advisers, Nixon denied cognition about the break-in and cover-up of Watergate. The public shortly found out that Nixon was non stating the truth. The populace besides found out that Nixon had ordered his AIDSs to barricade any information to the research workers. The White House besides tried to halt flow of the probes, because they were afraid that it would bring out really of import secrets about the White Houses engagement. Nixon would non look at the congressional commission, kicking that if he were to attest it would go against the separation of powers, which is stated in the fundamental law. Although the fundamental law does specify that their must be a separation of powers, it does non province that the president is non able to attest in forepart of a congressional commission. Nixon # 8217 ; s unwillingness to attest made people feel that Nixon was mistreating his executive privileges merely to cover-up his offenses. When Nixon had no possible manner of protecting the White House staff, he fired them. Such as when he fired two of his AIDSs, H.R Haldeman and John Ehrlichwan, because they were on the line of being charged for their offenses, but they were still convicted of confederacy, obstructor of justness, and bearing false witness ( Muzzio, 9 ) . In may of 1973, the imperativeness broadcasted the hearings on telecasting to 1000000s of people, the populace felt that it was their civic responsibility to watch over Nixon # 8217 ; s test. An official told the tribunal that Nixon had tape-recorded all the conversations he had made to his # 8220 ; Plumbers # 8221 ; ( Watergate, Impeachment ) . Nixon had hoped that these tapes would one twenty-four hours be used by historiographers to document the victory of his term ; alternatively they would play a cardinal component in his ruin and proved to be really prudent in demoing that Nixon was guilty. Nixon refused to let go of the tapes, claiming the executive privilege gave him the right to maintain his record private. Nixon # 8217 ; s involuntariness to give up the tapes caused him to travel to tribunal, before it was decided, Vice President Agnew was charged with income revenue enhancement equivocation. He was besides charged for accepting payoffs in interchanging for political favours. Agnew resigned because of the charges in October of 1973. He made a trade with the prosecuting lawyer and pleaded guilty for revenue enhancement equivocation and all of the other charges were dropped ( Emery, 382-83 ) . This dirt was non connected to Watergate, but it put a batch of emphasis on Nixon. Nixon nominated Gerald Ford in topographic point of Agnew ( Kutler, 577 ) . A twosome of yearss after Agnew surrender, the federal tribunal ordered Nixon manus over the tapes. Nixon refused one time once more so judge Cox tried to do him. Nixon tried to carry his attorney to happen a loophole, which would unfit Cox as an impartial translator. Cox was an idle to Richardson, because he was his professor in jurisprudence school. Richardson refused Nixon # 8217 ; s order and resigned. President Nixon so ordered the deputy Attorney General to fire Cox. This monolithic event was known as the Saturday Night Massacre ( Watergate, Massacre ) . Many people of the state felt that Nixon # 8217 ; s blocking of the judicial procedure was cogent evidence of his guiltiness. Peoples mailed Congress 1000s of wires inquiring for them to get down the impeachment procedure against president Nixon. President Nixon had still proclaimed his artlessness. At a imperativeness conference in November, Nixon made his celebrated quotation mark, I am non a criminal ( Emery, 415 ) . He avoided inquiries and highly agitated. The Internal Revenue Services besides discovered something that could harm Nixon. They noticed that in 1970 and 71 # 8242 ; Nixon had merely paid 00 in revenue enhancements when he earned over 00,000. The state found out that he besides used public money to fix-up his houses in Florida and California. Nixon kept on declining to let go of his Watergate tapes. Then, on April 1974, he gave out the transcripts of the tapes. He edited the transcripts and tried to cover up the offenses, but it did non work and ended up giving Nixon a bad repute ( Muzzio, 125 ) . The Committee voted to convey impeachment charges in July against Nixon. The first charge said that the president wittingly covered-up the offenses of Watergate. The 2nd charge stated that he used Government Agencies to go against the Fundamental law of the U.S. , the 3rd asserted that he would be impeached because of the withholding of grounds from Congress and interfering with the impeachment procedure. Shortly after the house commission voted to impeach President Nixon, the instance went to the full House for a concluding say. Nixon at this point still counted on the populace to endorse him up ; he relied on the few that still doubted his engagement in Watergate. Nixon at this point had to follow through with the orders to manus over the tapes. Nixon for a long clip claimed that he had no thought of the Watergate dirt until John Dean told him on March 21, 1973. The tapes showed that Nixon was a true prevaricator, and non merely cognize about it, but ordered it. Because of this Nixon met with a group of republican leaders and they tried to convert him to vacate from office. He did merely that on August 9, 1974, Nixon broadcasted that he was vacating to the state. This meant that President Richard Nixon was the first president of the United States to vacate from office. The state was shocked by this whole dirt because of the manner Nixon had lied to the populace and abused his ain powers. This led most of the public neer to swear a president as they did earlier, because of the monolithic secretiveness in the Government. As a state the state did last the injury, and due to the retraction of Nixon and his frailty president Agnew the state was left in the careful custodies of Gerald Ford who served uprightly until the terminal of his presidential term. Beginnings Cited Emwey, Fred. Watergate. The corruptness of American Politics and the autumn of Richard Nixon. Random House: New York NY, 1994. Feinberg, Barbara S. WATERGATE Scandal in the White House. Franklin Watts: New York NY, 1990. Kutler, Stanley I. The Wars of Watergate. A.A Knopf: New York NY, 1990. Muzzio, Douglas. Watergate Games schemes, picks, results. N.Y.U. Imperativeness: New York NY, 1982. Schudson, Michael. Watergate in American memory. Basic Books: New York NY, 1992 Watergate, The Secret Story. Executive Pro. Andrew Lack. CBS Video, 1992. Watergate, Cover-up, Series Pro. Paul Mitchell. Discovery Channel, 1994. Watergate, Impeachment, Series Pro. Paul Mitchell. Discovery channel, 1994. Watergate, Massacre, Series Pro. Paul Mitchell. Discovery Channel, 1994. Woodward, Bob # 8220 ; GOP Security Aide Among 5 Arrested in Bugging Affair # 8221 ; . Washington Post ( 1972 ) .14Nov.2001 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www.washingtonpost.com/wpsrv/local/longterm/tours/scandal/watergat.htm gt ;

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Ask Questions in Italian

How to Ask Questions in Italian Who is Carlo? Where is the train station? What time is it? Why do Italians talk with their hands? How do you make gnocchi? These are all questions that you’ll likely need to ask when you are in Italy or speaking Italian, and so you’re going to need to understand the basics of how to ask questions. Here Are the Basics Chi? - Who? Whom?Che?/Cosa? - What?Quando? - When?Dove? - Where?Perchà ©? - Why?Come? - How?Qual/Quali? - Which?Quanto/a/i/e? - How much? TIP: In questions beginning with an interrogative word, the subject or the personal pronoun  is usually placed at the end of the sentence. Quando arriva Michele? When does Michael arrive? Let’s take a look at how these vocabulary words are used in real life conversation. Chi Prepositions such as a, di, con, and per always precede the interrogative word â€Å"chi.† In Italian, a question never ends with a preposition. Chi à ¨ lui? - Who is he?Chi parla? - Who is speaking? (on the phone)Chi sono? - Who are they?/Who am I?Con chi hai cenato ieri sera? - With whom did you have dinner last night? Che/Cosa â€Å"Che† and â€Å"cosa† are abbreviated forms of the phrase â€Å"che cosa†. The forms are interchangeable. A che ora? - At what time?Che lavoro fa? - What work do you do? (formal)Cosa ti piace di pià ¹ della cucina toscana? - What’s your favorite Tuscan dish?Cos’à ¨ questo? - What is this? As you can see with the last example, sometimes the conjugation of the verb â€Å"essere†, in this case â€Å"à ¨Ã¢â‚¬ , can combine with the question word â€Å"cosa†. Quando Quando parti per l’Italia? - When do you leave for Italy? (informal)Quand’à ¨ il tuo compleanno? - When is your birthday? (informal)Quando à ¨ arrivata lei?/Lei quando à ¨ arrivata? - When did she arrive? Dove Di dove sei? - Where are you from? (informal)Dove hai lasciato gli occhiali?  - Where did you leave your glasses?Dove si trova una gelateria? - Where does one find an ice cream shop?Dov’à ¨ la stazione dei treni? - Where is the train station? As you can see with the last example, sometimes the conjugation of the verb â€Å"essere†, in this case â€Å"à ¨Ã¢â‚¬ , can combine with the question word â€Å"dove†. Perchà © Perchà © sei in Italia? - Why are you in Italy? (informal)Perchà © studia l’Italiano? - Why are you studying Italian? (formal) Come Come sta? - How are you? (formal)Come si chiama? - What is your name? (formal)Com’à ¨ un giorno perfetto, secondo te? - What is a perfect day according to you? (informal) Qual/Quali As with all adjectives, agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify, except for â€Å"che†, which doesn’t change. Qual à ¨ il suo segno zodiacale? - What is your zodiac sign? (formal)Quali sono i tuoi interessi? - What are your interests? (informal) Quanto/a/i/e As with all adjectives, agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify, except for â€Å"che†, which doesn’t change. Quant’à ¨? - How much is it?Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a Firenze? - How long does it take to arrive in Florence?Da quanto tempo studia l’italiano? - How long have you been studying Italian? (formal)Quante persone vivono a Roma? - How many people live in Rome?Quanti anni hai? - How old are you? (informal)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analysis Study Of Colonial Discourse In Literature

Analysis Study Of Colonial Discourse In Literature Colonial discourse has been defined by many writers such as Diniz (1996:126) who points out hat â€Å"Colonial discourse usually refers to the writing which runs from five hundred years, through the days of European mercantile expansion, to our own time (1996:126). This definition suggests that the era of Colonialism in literature began in the 17th C. with the publication of Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1611-12). In this paper, however, the term is used to refer to the literature written in English, but confined to the century of British Colonialism and the decades of anti- or post colonial activity which followed. Said’s Orientalism (1978) uses the concept of colonial discourse to re-order the study of colonialism. So it can be said to inaugurate a new kind of study of colonialism. Said’s Orientalism examines how the East, including the Middle East, is represented in the history and the literature written by the West. The West always looks at the East as inferio r people without religion or morals. Said’s projecttries to show how knowledge about the non-Europeans was part of the process of maintaining power over them. In short, Orientalism is primarily concerned with how the Orient was constructed by Western Literature and not with how such construction was received by colonial subjects. It examines the Western attitudes toward the East. Said concludes that the Western writers depict the Orient as â€Å"irrational,† â€Å"week† and â€Å"feminised other†. This depiction can be contrasted with the depiction of the West as â€Å"rational†, â€Å"strong† and â€Å"masculine†. Said’s Culture and Imperialism (1994) Colonial discourse is a concept popularized by Edward Said. In this paper, it refers also to the knowledge of Africa constructed by the West (colonial writers: as Defoe and Conrad) to bolster its colonizing interests, and the reaction of the East (colonized writers as: Achebe). C olonial discourse has not been the product of a certain age and it has attracted the attention of several writers and critics. Those celebrated authors as Conrad and Defoe created remarkable works out of the subject of Colonialism. Nowadays, Colonial discourse is one of the most current issues in literary criticism. 1.2. Life and Works of Defoe, Conrad and Achebe 1.2.1. Life and Works of Defoe: Danial Defoe was born about 1660 in London. His father, James Foe, was poor but hard working butcher. Defoe was not able to attend traditional institutions like Oxford and Cambridge because of his father’s opposition. Defoe is often considered the father of English novel. He is a master of simple prose and powerful narrative with a love of realistic detail. He is a great imaginative writer who creates one of the most familiar resonant myths of modern literature. He is influenced by the writings of Addison, Steel and Swift. Defoe’s important works are: Robinson Crusoe (1719), Mol l Flanders (1722), Capitan Singleton (1720) and The History of Peter the Great and Colonel Jack (1722). Defoe died in London on April 24, 1731. 1.2.2. Life and Works of Conrad Joseph Conrad was born in December 3, 1857. His childhood was affected by his homeland’s struggle for independence. He is a Polish novelist and short story writer. Conrad is one of the English language’s greatest stylists. He becomes one of the greatest writers in the world. His major works include Heart of Darkness (1902), Lord Jim (1900), The Secret Agent (1907), Under the Western Eyes (1911) and Nostrome (1904). He died of heart failure on August 3, 1924.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Migration Impact on the UK's Economy between 2005 and 2015 Dissertation

Migration Impact on the UK's Economy between 2005 and 2015 - Dissertation Example Interpretation of the findings will help the researcher to draw inference to the research questions or the main agenda of the research and accordingly arrive at the conclusion. Chapter 2: Literature Review World migration and economic growth is considered to be an ever-researched subject in the contemporary economics. S. P. Kerr and W. R. Kerr have defined net migration in an economy during a particular period of time as the difference between total number of immigrants and emigrants within the economy within that specified time period. In this context, immigrants are defined as the individuals who migrate or shift to another country whereas emigrants of an economy are those who shift from other economies to a particular economy within the specified time period. In this chapter, global migration and the tendency behind this, the effect of migration on a particular economy and finally, the consequences faced by the economy of United Kingdom will be analysed in the light of theoretical framework and economic models. 2.1. Economic Factors Influencing Migration According to the economists, economic migration occurs mostly due to the influence of two discrete factors. These are as follows: 2.1.1. Push Factors Many economists such as Boyle, Halfacree and Robinson have identified that lack of economic opportunities, scope for higher education, quality jobs in both technical and non-technical sectors act as push factors and drives individuals to migrate in other part of the world.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Quality Management Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Quality Management Process - Essay Example "The importance of using a plan in order to guide the firm's communication effort would be able to bring forth a clear, coordinated, memorable, and effective way of interacting with one another" (Draft a Communications Plan, 2006). Based on the data presented in the planning process of the project, an estimated time of at least 330 days could be needed in order to complete the quality communications plan. During the course of this period, the staff and the officials who are leaders of the said projects would be able to complete the tasks required of them. Aside from that, additional changes and revisions could be done within that period. The revisions that should be applied within the project should be done so within schedule and also reason. This is because of the tight project schedule that has been planned in the project. Aside from that, there is also the need to thoroughly examine the outcome of the projects done. Testing the outcome of the said project is also necessary to ensure that it would be exactly as planned. The several steps divided into different categories and these categories would be the basis for the flow of the communication report between the company and the participants for the quality communications plan. ... On the other hand, to save time as the project is in a tight schedule, the report regarding the success of the project should be applied or implemented in a regular basis so that the waiting time would not be that long and that other projects could also be done. In the implementation of the plan, there should only be one resource person from the team that would report to the officials because if there are so many people relaying the information, the management would have a hard time comprehending it. It would also be better if there was some kind of system or a chain of command in relaying the message. Another thing which would be likely included in the quality management process is the budget estimate. A budget estimate seems to be more than the acceptable range because of its urgency to be on time and on schedule. The budget throughout the categories would need to be constant as to oversee that there would be no over-spending done in the project. The starting period would be the difficult part because it needs to be well-established so as the other steps would be next in line therefore, a chunk of the budget should be reserved especially to the start of the project. Despite of that, there would be time to cut back on other cost once the project has been progressing in the direction that it should be heading. Collection of Data in the Quality Communications Plan In order to ensure the implementation of the quality communication plan, certain data and information are needed to be collected. Aside from that, these data would also be a guide in determining whether or not such plans are effective or not. Here are some of the data and information needed upon the implementation of the quality

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The integration of global economies Essay Example for Free

The integration of global economies Essay Globalisation is a controversial issue. It has generated large protests around the world, by people who feel that it benefits only the rich. Yet there are others who claim that it offers real solutions to global poverty. There are arguments for both sides. In practice, globalisation has the potential to do both good and harm. The World Bank defines it as „the growing integration of economies and societis around the worldâ€Å". It sounds simple but processes of globalisation involve changes to many different aspects of society: from communications, to travel, to economics, to government. Globalisation represents a particular economic theory based on the belief that a liberalised, free market is desirable. Supporters of a free market economy believe that this approach promotes healthy competition. Countries can specialise in producing the goods they make most efficiently and export therese goods to other countries without restrictions. Only those who produce goods efficiently and at a competitive price will survive. Globalisation impacts virtually very aspect of life including religion, culture, diet and family life. One of the most striking impacts of globalisation is the increasing connection of economies and cultures, making the world seem smaller. A decision made in Japan can employ thousands in another country, or render them jobless. A flu virus in Asia can affect tourism and business worldwide. Economic and technological change are the major forces driving globalisation. Worldwide, trade is increasing as global markets become more closely linked through improved communication technologies like the internet. These same technologies are bringing distant communities together, and making it easier for corporations to move their operations to areas where costs are low. Cheaper air travel because of technological improvements means more people are travelling for business or pleasure, making workers more mobile. The integration of global economies provides enormous potential for all economies to expand into different parts of the world to both sell and buy new products and services. While it can be difficult to enter new global markets, globalisation is giving poor countries some chance of gaining the benefits of world trade. If poor countries could get access to just one percent more of the value of world trade, it would lift well over 100 Million people out of the poverty through the economic growth and jobs created. As multi-national corporations move production to benefit from cheaper labour costs in poorer countries, they are creating jobs for people who previously had few oppurtunities. Technological advancements mean quick and affordable worldwide travel is now available, particularly to people from wealthier nations. This is helping to boost tourism in many developing countries. The internet and other improved telecommunication facilities enable information to be sent from one corner of the planet to antoher seconds. This has brought together people from vastly different backgrounds and cultures. Ideas are shared, business is conducted internationally and those affected by a disaster can call for, and get, help faster than ever before. One concern is the effects of constant pressure from large corporations to lower prices and shorten production times for goods. Although jobs are created, poor labour standards and cost cutting processes in developing countries mean wages can be low, conditions are often dangerous and workers rights are violated. Critics of free-market economics note that industries in developed countries did not develop in these open conditions. Instead, they were protected locally (often with subsidies) and their markets were closed to outside competition until new industries became established. Yet poor countries are now expected to perform and survive in new global markets without first starting from an established base and without adequate support or concern for local interests. This makes it difficult for developing nations to benefit from the increased trade oppurtunities offered by globalisation. Rich countries primarily produce manufactured goods for the world market, which hold their value and command good prices. Developing countries generally produce commodities raw materials like cotton, coffee, cocoa, metals and minerals cheaply and efficiently, but do not have the current capacity to produce manufactured products. Unlike manufactured products. Unlike manufactured goods, commodities are extremely vulnerable to wide price swings whenever there is a shortage or oversupply. Countries which depend on only a few vital commodities for income may struggle if the global price suddenly plummets.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Depression and Antidepressants Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Depression and Antidepressants I am quite fascinated by generalized control mechanisms and the role they play in the nervous system. I am also quite curious about the relationship between different generalized control mechanisms. The concept of mood and depression in particular have always interested me. I have always wondered what actually causes depression. Why can some people be in a perfectly good mood one day and then less than a week later start exhibiting the signs of clinical depression? I have always been curious about the role that experience and chemical imbalances play in depression and other mood disorders. I donUt totally understand how chemical depression can originate as the result of severe outside stressors in a personUs life. How can this stress go from simply stress in the experiences and environment of a person to a chemical imbalance? I have also wondered why certain people are more susceptible to depression than others. I am curious about whether genetics play a role in depression and whethe r certain people are more susceptible to depression because of the environment they live in or because of pharmacological reasons and genes. Throughout our class this year, I have wondered about the role that the I-function plays in depression. I find it interesting that it is possible to wake up one morning and be in a nasty mood even if I want to be in a good mood and my I-function is thinking RhappyS thoughts. Through my research for this paper I wanted to find out more about the different kinds of depression and exactly what goes on chemically in the brain when a person is depressed. I also wanted to do a little research on how depression can be treated. I wanted to try and determine how and when the line of simp... ... of depression. Through my extensive research on depression I have learned a lot of new things. I have learned about the many forms of depression and treatment for depression. I have also learned a little about what is believed to go on chemically in the brain of a clinically depressed person. I was also able to partially determine what sort of role genetics, chemicals and personal influences in the brain. Though I was unable to determine exactly how environmental and personal stress can cause a chemical imbalance in a person, I was even able to speculate about this issue and determine some theories of my own on why and how this may happen. Internet Sources: http://medicalreporter.health.org/tmr0696/goldberg.html http://www.med.harvard.edu/publications/On_The_Brain/Volume2/Special/SPDepr.html http://home.blarg.net/~charlatn/depression/DepMeds.html Depression and Antidepressants Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers Depression and Antidepressants I am quite fascinated by generalized control mechanisms and the role they play in the nervous system. I am also quite curious about the relationship between different generalized control mechanisms. The concept of mood and depression in particular have always interested me. I have always wondered what actually causes depression. Why can some people be in a perfectly good mood one day and then less than a week later start exhibiting the signs of clinical depression? I have always been curious about the role that experience and chemical imbalances play in depression and other mood disorders. I donUt totally understand how chemical depression can originate as the result of severe outside stressors in a personUs life. How can this stress go from simply stress in the experiences and environment of a person to a chemical imbalance? I have also wondered why certain people are more susceptible to depression than others. I am curious about whether genetics play a role in depression and whethe r certain people are more susceptible to depression because of the environment they live in or because of pharmacological reasons and genes. Throughout our class this year, I have wondered about the role that the I-function plays in depression. I find it interesting that it is possible to wake up one morning and be in a nasty mood even if I want to be in a good mood and my I-function is thinking RhappyS thoughts. Through my research for this paper I wanted to find out more about the different kinds of depression and exactly what goes on chemically in the brain when a person is depressed. I also wanted to do a little research on how depression can be treated. I wanted to try and determine how and when the line of simp... ... of depression. Through my extensive research on depression I have learned a lot of new things. I have learned about the many forms of depression and treatment for depression. I have also learned a little about what is believed to go on chemically in the brain of a clinically depressed person. I was also able to partially determine what sort of role genetics, chemicals and personal influences in the brain. Though I was unable to determine exactly how environmental and personal stress can cause a chemical imbalance in a person, I was even able to speculate about this issue and determine some theories of my own on why and how this may happen. Internet Sources: http://medicalreporter.health.org/tmr0696/goldberg.html http://www.med.harvard.edu/publications/On_The_Brain/Volume2/Special/SPDepr.html http://home.blarg.net/~charlatn/depression/DepMeds.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

Look at the beginning of act two Essay

And doesn’t eat herself since she has presumably eaten with the children. In those times, (1692) wives were expected to stay at home, clean the house, cook the food, take care of the children, and obey their husbands. They were also expected to be good Christians, be calm, quiet etc. To express these qualities above, Elizabeth should probably dress in quite plain, conservative clothes, and † walk straight, eyes slightly lowered, arms at the sides, and talk quietly. † He then compliments her about the rabbit, â€Å"It’s well seasoned†, and she receives it, ‘blushing with pleasure’. She then adds, that she â€Å"took great care. † Again, both are trying hard to be friendly to each other, to try to avoid argument. It is however; ironic that Proctor complimented her on the seasoning on the rabbit, since he seasoned it himself. After that, he talks about the farm and says with a grin â€Å"I mean to please you Elizabeth. † And she answers, â€Å"I know it John. † However, before she answers, she pauses, and â€Å"finds it hard to say. † This means that she might not think he honestly wants to please her, or make their marriage work. Since this is quite a dramatic moment, I think the lighting should focus on her at this point, and if present the orchestra should be silent to emphasize her hesitation. The author then repeats Elizabeth’s lack of love and coldness when John proctor gets up and kisses her, and then returns disappointed. This is so that if the audience misses the pause, thus showing her disbelief and distrust in him, they will see her total lack in passion and love when John is rejected from Elizabeth,. He then asks her for some cider, as gently as he can, since he feels she is hurt, and doesn’t want to make her feel any worse. He then says, â€Å"Its winter in here yet,† which might be a hint for her to warm her heart and become more loving. Yet since her badly wants to be nice, he asks her on type of date, to walk across the farm. They both get up, and he walks to the door, and he seems quite happy. She however, isn’t. He seems to notice this, and asks her if she is sad again. As they say these last lines, I think that ‘the sense of their separation’ should be emphasised be lighting. Ie, the lights, which have been directed at both of them together so far, should split, a light on each character. This would subtly hint to the audience that although they are desperately striving to make their marriage work, it can’t yet because there is a distance between them, and they’re not on the same wavelength. The audience can also see this when John seems deep in his thoughts about spring, flowers, and Massachusetts, while Elizabeth seems to worry about something. She answers to his question, â€Å"Are you sad again† and immediately justifies her answer when she says that she thought he had gone to Salem since he was back so late. This could show the audience that she thought he had gone to see Abigail, because they know Abigail lives in Salem from what they saw in act one. He knows that she thought of him going to see Abigail, so he says he has no business in Salem. This shows the audience, that although he is eager to let go of the past, (which is also shown in act one â€Å"I will cut my hand off before I ever reach for you (Abigail) again. â€Å") Elizabeth has not yet forgiven him, which he accuses her of later. â€Å"You forgive nothing’ and forget nothin’! † She then admits to having let Mary go to Salem and this makes him quite angry. However, when she carries on he starts shouting at her ‘holding back a full condemnation of her’ and says that she should control her servants better. Perhaps he also thinks that she should have controlled Abigail, so he wouldn’t have had an affair with her. Basically, in this part of Act Two, the author shows that the strain in their relationship was caused by his affair with Abigail, which has resulted with her distrust. Miller also shows that Proctor quickly raises his temper, which could also strain a relationship. Proctor only seems to have raised his temper when Abigail and his affair with her are mentioned. This could be because he feels guilty. Knowing what parts of the act give hints to their difficult relationship helps tremendously when the play is performed, since the director knows what parts of the act he must emphasise. He can do that by using different lighting, sound effects, dramatic music from an orchestra, acting, and pauses. By Karina Wortelboer Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Comparative Academic Review

Introduction The aspects of psychiatric treatment of patients have been widely discussed in the academic literature on the subject in the last several decades. In two separate studies, Christina Katsakou et el. (2010) and Jelena Jankovic et. al (2011) trace the practical implications of treatment satisfaction and caregivers’ experiences respectively. Both studies cover specific aspects of psychiatric treatment in the UK. The first study focuses on the coercion and treatment satisfaction among patients, who have been admitted for psychiatric treatment involuntarily. The research, conducted in 2010, reveals the impact of coercion on the satisfaction of treatment among patients, as well as the psychological aspects of coercion. The study has been conducted as an observation in 22 hospitals in England, where a total of 778 patients were recruited (Katsakou et. al, 2010). Their satisfaction with the treatment they received has been measured at different stages: one week, one month, three months and one year after the admission. In order to measure the levels of satisfaction, the authors have used factors such as clinical improvement and clinical characteristics. The results from this study were obtained using standard statistical analysis, and indicated an increase in the satisfaction among involuntarily admitted patients between their first admission and the different follow ups. The second study, conduc ted in 2011, focuses on the experiences of family caregivers during involuntary hospital admissions of their relatives. It is a qualitative study, which used as a research method semi-structured interviews, conducted with 29 caregivers whose relatives have been admitted involuntary in 12 hospitals across England (Jankovic et.al., 2011). Throughout the study, major themes have been identified, such as relief and conflicting emotions, frustration with the delay of getting help, etc. The results of the second survey have concluded that the role of the family caregivers can be enhanced if their duties are valued enough, without turning into a burden. The purpose of this brief academic review is to critically compare both studies, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses and possible contributions to the literature on the subject. Both studies provide valuable insight on the subject of treatment of patients with mental illnesses, and reveal the interactive nature of the clinical process as a dynamic interaction between different elements – institutions, caregivers, and patients. Both studies manage to reveal the intricacy of the connection, which exists between coercion and satisfaction in the first case, and family caregivers as active elements in the process of involuntary admission in the second case. The first study uses a quantitative research method and statistical analysis, based on an observational study. The study has been conducted in 22 hospitals in England. The advantage of the choice of this method for the purposes of study is its accuracy and straightforwardness. Results obtained through observation are easier to analyse, and presented in a comprehensible and consistent manner. In terms of the design of the research, the use of timeline base is a feasible option, which meets the research aims of the study and unfolds different aspects of satisfaction among patients. The fact that the patients have been examined at three different periods following their first admission provides the researchers with the possibility to explore how satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) develops gradually. This is an important feature of the research design deployed, because here satisfaction is discussed in relation to memory and emotions, which change over time. This changeability has been ca ptured with the choice of the design. Also, it is a good way to operationalize and thus measure the main variable – patients’ satisfaction. Despite the fact that the operationalization of satisfaction was enhanced through the use of specific research design, the study could have also benefited from a bigger emphasis on open interviews, conducted with a certain (perhaps smaller) portion of the patients. This is because interviews allow for more abstract and personal issues to be uncovered in the research and these are issues which are usually unquantifiable and difficult to detect in observational studies and semi-structured interviews. As far as data collection is concerned, the authors of the first study have used two different models, designed to measure satisfaction – one concentrating on potential base lines predictions combining satisfaction scores from all time points (baselines, one month and three months) and another one concentrating on the results from the follow ups only. The data was analysed using a three step model, and applying standard linear statistical analysis (Katskakou et.al, 2010:287-288). This comprehensive choice of methods and models for data collection has enhanced linear results, which allow readers to obtain an extensive view of satisfaction not only as an isolated variable, but also as a process, which is happening over time. However, one of the weaknesses of this study in the methodological part is the sampling. The researchers have attempted to obtain a representative sample, covering hospitals from different geographic areas and patients of different ethnic and social backgro unds. Little, if anything is mentioned however on how the eligibility of the patients has been identified (eligibility criteria). Another weakness in the methodology part is related to the decreasing number of patients interviewed at the baseline, the first month and the third month and one year. For the baseline, the patients are 778, and for the one year follow up their number has decreased almost in double – 396 (Katskakou et.al., 2010: 289). This might pose some problems related with the generalizability of the results obtained and the consistency of observations. Although it would be a formidable task to keep the number of patients at each point exactly the same, at least proximity in the numbers of interviewees could have been targeted. Another possible weakness of the study is related with the lack of causality between coercion and satisfaction. In other words, the study does not necessarily reveal a cause-effect relationship between the two, because coercion in this observation has been explored as an individual projection. However, this can also be looked at as an advantage, because a cause-effect relationship between two abstract concepts can oversimplify their existence in a particular setting. To compare, the second study uses a very different methodology. It is a qualitative study, and the variables measured here are even more abstract compared to the first study. The psychological aspects of personal experiences relating to care are difficult to capture and quantify, and this is important to mention in the methodological review of the second study. In terms of choice of methods, the authors have used semi-structured interviews, conducted among family caregivers of 29 patients admitted involuntary against 12 hospitals in England (Jankovic et.al., 2011: 1). Compared to the first study, here the sample is much smaller. It is arguable whether such a small sample can provide results, which are generalizable. Perhaps the authors have decided to choose smaller number of participants in order to observe the matter more closely. Here it is important to note that the issue of carers’ experiences is sensitive and often a stressful one. Therefore a smaller sample would give t he chance to conduct more detailed interviews, and thus capturing nuances of the matter, which remain unexamined in studies involving larger samples, due to time constraints. Another problem with the sample, just like in the first study, is its ability to represent the population. A closer look at the participant’s characteristics in the second study reveals that in more than 50 percent of the cases, the relationship of the carer to the patient is â€Å"parent† (Jankovic et.al., 2011: 3). This fact could have influenced the results, since parents tend to be much more concerned for their children. They are concerned first as patients, and then as carers – therefore a more representative selection of the carers could have taken place (for example equal number of carers who are patients, partners, siblings or children). Yet, the study manages to make good use of thematic analysis, clustering answers of the patients and identifying four important themes – rel ief and conflicting emotions in response to the admission, frustration with the delay in getting help, being given the burden of care by services and difficulties with confidentiality (Jankovic et.al, 2011:3-4). Just like the first study, the methodology is well-implemented in terms of coding. In the second study, two independent researchers have been selected to code the interviews, and the results have been finalized through a joint discussion (Jankovic et.al, 2011:3). In both studies, the methods chosen have met the research criteria, and have been meticulously implemented to produce comprehensive and well-themed results. Also, the proposed hypotheses have been well tested. Here it is important to note that both studies tackle issues, which are not easily quantifiable or measurable. The first study concentrates on satisfaction among patients which have been involuntary admitted for treatment, while the other one focuses on an even more sensitive and abstract issue, related with personal experiences among family caregivers in the cases when patients have been admitted for treatment. Therefore the authors of both studies have made significant effort in the planning of the research, its design and implementation in order to make the themes of their research measurable. As a result both studies have managed to create consistent results. The first makes coercion and satisfaction measurable, with the implementation of a 0 to 5 scale of coercion and inco rporating the results in a separate model. Critics would suggest that the method implemented in the first study is too rigid for the investigation of issues, which are deeply psychological and reflect the personal perceptions of patients on the way they have been treated. Although the study could have benefited from a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, its reliance on quantitative techniques only does not affect the overall validity of the results. Perhaps one of the biggest strengths of this study is that through the interpretation of the results, the authors manage to reveal the connection between patients’ satisfaction and coercion as an individual perception. As already mentioned, the second study relies solely on a qualitative technique. They authors capture the nuances in the experiences of the caregivers, and interpret the results closely adhering to the themes, identified by them during the data analysis stage. Both studies deal with aspects of psychiatric treatment, which are challenging due to their specificity. Therefore they both make significant contribution to the literature and theory on the subject. The first study sheds light upon the complexity of coercion as an individual perception, and its results resonate with those obtained in earlier studies (Lidz et.al, 1998; Sorgard, 2004). Observing coercion as an individual perception, projected by patients as a result of hospital surroundings and treatment, shows a major transition in clinical psychology, and a shift towards a more constructive approach for understanding patients’ reactions. In this sense, this study can be classified as a constructivist study, because it measures how perceptions are formed and exemplified by particular patients in particular environments. It deviates from earlier studies on the subject, like the ones conducted by Svensson et al. (1994) and Spenseley (1980), which observe patients’ satisfa ction with treatment in their entirely empirical dimensions, ignoring individual projections. Similarly, the findings and conclusions from the second study (Jankovic et.al, 2011) resonate with conclusions from previous research on the subject (Simson et. al, 2002; Jones et.al, 2009). Therefore this study belongs to a particular body of literature in clinical psychology, which explores the psychological and social impact on families of care for people with mental disorders. Both studies contribute to their relative subjects, and might have important implications in terms of policy reform in health care services for people with mental illnesses in the UK. Recommendations for policy-makers in this sector, stemming from Jankovic’s study include an improved service, which would ensure that carers obtain proper assistance and cooperation from hospitals prior to the admission of mentally unwell relatives. This would have positive implications to the quality of treatment of mentally unwell patients, by enhancing cooperation between carers and institutions, which would inevitably lead to a better distribution of responsibilities. Katsakou’s study might have policy implications as well, because it reveals the necessity for interventions, which would reduce patients’ perceived coercion. In conclusion, both studies discussed in this review present specific aspects of treatment of mentally unwell patients. Despite some weaknesses in sampling, and some minor limitations, both studies make significant contributions in their relative fields, and offer new, and well-supported angles of interpretation on the themes they cover. Both studies make good use of research methods, despite the differences in the number of participants for the first and the second study. Some issues related to generalizability of the results have arisen, such as the decreasing number of observed patients in the first study and the small sample in the second study. Still, the data analysis and the interpretation of the results obtained have been meticulously carried out and well situated in the context of existing literature. In addition, both studies might serve as a basis for policy-reform in the UK healthcare system, ultimately leading to improvement of the latter. In sum, the studies present coh esive and well-researched conclusions and can be a useful reading for students and professionals, occupied in the field of Clinical Psychiatry, Health Services and Public Policy. Reference list: Jankovic J, Yeeles K, Katsakou C, Amos T, Morriss R, Rose D, Nichol P, McCabe R, Priebe S (2011) ‘Family caregivers’ experiences of involuntary psychiatric hospital admissions of their relatives – a qualitative study’, PLoS ONE 6(10): e25425. Jones IR, Nilufar A, Catty J, McLaren S, Rose D, Wykes T, et al. (2009) Illness careers and continuity of care in mental health services: A qualitative study of service users and carers. Soc Sci Med 69: 632–639. Katsakou C, Bowers L, Amos T, Morriss R, Rose D, Wykes T, Priebe S (2010) ‘Coercion and Treatment Satisfaction Among Involuntary Patients’, Psychiatric Services 61: 286-292 Lidz C, Mulvey EP, Hoge SK (1998) et al: Factual sources of psychiatric patients’ perceptions of coercion in the hospital admission process. American Journal of Psychiatry 155:1254–1260 Simpson EL, House AO (2002) Involving users in the delivery and evaluation of mental health services: systematic review. BMJ 325: 1265–1268 Sorgaard K (2004): Patients’ perception of coercion in acute psychiatric wards: an intervention study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 58:299–304 Spensley J, Edwards DW, White E (1980): Patient satisfaction and involuntary treatment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 50:725–729 Svensson B, Hansson L (1994) : Patient satisfaction with inpatient psychiatric care. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 90:379–384

Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 causas de cancelación de la visa de turista o paseo

10 causas de cancelacià ³n de la visa de turista o paseo Las causas por las que una visa de turista para ingresar a Estados Unidos puede ser cancelada o revocada son muy variadas, si bien hay 10 que, por su frecuencia, conviene conocer para evitarlas. Destacar que pueden proceder a la cancelacià ³n de una visa de turista, conocida tambià ©n en algunos paà ­ses como de paseo o de placer, las Embajadas, los consulados y tambià ©n las autoridades migratorias como, por ejemplo, los oficiales en los pasos fronterizos o de aeropuerto. No es obligatorio avisar a la persona a la que se le revoca la visa. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre 10 causas muy comunes de cancelacià ³n de la visa y quà © se puede hacer cuando esto sucede. 10 Causas De Cancelacià ³n De La Visa Americana De Turista 1. Quiz la causa ms frecuente de cancelacià ³n de la visa es por permanecer en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido, asà ­ sà ³lo sean 24 horas. Es muy importante  no confundir la fecha de expiracià ³n de la visa  con el dà ­a mximo autorizado para permanecer en Estados Unidos.. El tiempo que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos est fijado en el documento que se conoce como I-94, o registro de ingreso y de salida. Aunque es muy comà ºn que la autorizacià ³n se extienda por 180 dà ­as, es decir, seis meses, tambià ©n es posible que, en realidad, el oficial migratorio que autorizà ³ el ingreso establezca un tiempo inferior. Es fundamental respetar este plazo, porque si no se hace no sà ³lo se pierde la visa sino que la persona se queda en situacià ³n de indocumentada dentro de los Estados Unidos. Para evitarlo, si se desea permanecer ms tiempo en Estados Unidos debe procederse a pedir una extensià ³n de la visa o un cambio de categorà ­a de visado. En casos muy concretos y excepcionales es posible solicitar con à ©xito que se apruebe restaurar el estatus, lo que se conoce como Nunc Pro Tunc, cuando no se pide a tiempo una extensià ³n o cambio de visa. Tampoco se debe jugar a intentar obtener un nuevo plazo de tiempo para permanecer en Estados Unidos saliendo a Mà ©xico, Canad o Bahamas y volviendo a entrar, ya que el sistema no funciona asà ­. 2. Cuando  la visa ha sido arrancada  del pasaporte donde originalmente se estampà ³, queda automticamente sin vigencia. En otras palabras, no es vlida. 3. La visa tambià ©n se cancela cuando se sabe o se sospecha que se utiliza para un  fin distinto  al suyo propio. Por ejemplo, cuando una persona con visado de turista pasa una larga temporada en Estados Unidos y decide estudiar en una escuela, high school,  universidad o academia de inglà ©s a tiempo completo. Esto no es correcto, ya que la visa  apropiada es la F-1,  la F-3 para el caso de mexicanos o canadienses en zona fronteriza,  si asà ­ lo prefieren, o la J-1. Otro ejemplo es cuando una persona extranjera ingresa al paà ­s con una visa de paseo pero con la intencià ³n de contraer matrimonio. Si el oficial de inmigracià ³n se da cuenta o en la aduana descubren en su equipaje cosas como el vestido de boda se le negar la entrada y se le cancelar el visado. Casarse con visa de turista  est permitido pero puede tener consecuencias muy negativas, por lo que hay que ser muy prudente con lo que se hace y cumplir la ley. 4. La visa tambià ©n es cancelada cuando se sospecha  que puede haber intencià ³n de emigrar. Esto puede suceder cuando una persona con visa de turista entra frecuentemente al paà ­s, por ejemplo a visitar a un familiar. Otro ejemplo puede darse cuando extiende continuamente la estancia. Esos comportamientos son perfectamente vlidos, pero no pueden dar lugar a sospecha de que la intencià ³n es emigrar y quedarse en Estados Unidos. Incluso otras situaciones ms sutiles pueden dar lugar a problemas como, por ejemplo, no tener un trabajo estable en el paà ­s de origen. 5. Cuando se ha causado que el seguro pà ºblico de Estados Unidos conocido como Medicaid gastos mà ©dicos porque la persona extranjera con visa de turista ha tenido una emergencia sanitaria y no ha pagado la factura ni tampoco su seguro mà ©dico. Es relativamente frecuente descubrir estos casos ms pronto o ms tarde  en el caso de paps que se han desplazado a Estados Unidos para que nazca su hijo y posteriormente se regresan a su paà ­s de origen sin pagar el gasto hospitalario. Esta situacià ³n se detecta cuando se pide el pasaporte americano para el hijo por primera vez o su renovacià ³n. En ese momento, si asà ­ lo desean, las autoridades consulares pueden pedir prueba de que los padres han pagado el hospital en Estados Unidos. La misma prueba la pueden pedir las autoridades de inspeccià ³n en el control migratorio al llegar a Estados Unidos. 6. Cuando a un extranjero se le concede una visa de inmigrante (permiso de residencia, tambià ©n conocido como tarjeta de residencia o green card), se le cancela la visa no inmigrante que pudiera tener. En este caso no hay ningà ºn problema porque cuenta con la green card. 7. Cuando una persona ha sido pedida por un familiar en Estados Unidos. Mientras espera es posible que si tiene una visa de turista vigente, à ©sta sea cancelada, aunque no sucede siempre. Tambià ©n podrà ­a suceder que si viaja, una vez que llegue a las aduanas se encuentre que no se le permite ingresar al paà ­s. Esto no tiene que ser asà ­ siempre, ni mucho menos. Pero es posible. La razà ³n es que segà ºn sean las circunstancias particulares de cada caso puede dar la impresià ³n de que la idea es viajar a Estados Unidos para quedarse a vivir con el familiar que ha hecho la peticià ³n, sin esperar el tiempo de demora, que segà ºn los casos puede ser muy largo, particularmente en el caso de papeles pedidos para hermanos. 8. La visa de turista se cancela automticamente si su titular  ha trabajado en Estados Unidos con ese estatus.  Ã‚  Incluso es suficiente tener la intencià ³n de trabajar en Estados Unidos o se sospecha que à ©sa es la intencià ³n del viaje Hay que insistir que legalmente sà ³lo pueden trabajar los ciudadanos, los residentes y las personas titulares de visas que permitan trabajar o que tengan un permiso de trabajo. En ningà ºn caso los extranjeros con una visa de turista pueden aceptar desempeà ±ar una labor remunerada. 9. Cuando la visa tiene un error burocrtico, como puede ser el mal deletreo de un nombre o apellido o una equivocacià ³n en la fecha de nacimiento. En este caso en concreto la cancelacià ³n no tiene efectos negativos para el titular de la visa que obtendr otra con los datos correctos. En estos casos el consulado suele llamar para corregir el error. 10. Cuando el oficial de la CBP que est en la aduana americana cree que una persona a la que previamente le concedieron la visa era  inelegible  o  inadmisible  para ingresar a los Estados Unidos o  se convirtià ³ en inelegible o inadmisible tras haberle sido aprobado el visado puede proceder a su cancelacià ³n. Esta regla tambià ©n aplica en la frontera o aeropuerto a los ciudadanos de paà ­ses en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas  que no necesitan una para viajar por negocios o turismo, pero en este caso en vez de cancelar una visa que no existe, se procede a enviarlo de regreso al paà ­s del que procede. Es muy conveniente saber que à ©stas son  22 causas por las que una persona es inadmisible  para USA. El consumo de drogas, que se encuentra entre ellas, es la razà ³n ms comà ºn por las que se cancela la visa a celebridades extranjeras. Adems, estas  20 causas que convierten a una persona en inelegible  por las que el consulado o el oficial de migracià ³n pueden decir no  aprobar o renovar  la visa o para  permitir el ingreso  al paà ­s. Quà © Hacer Cuando La Visa De Turista Ha Sido Cancelada O Revocada Si se quiere tener una nueva visa hay que proceder a aplicar por una de nuevo. Pero en la mayorà ­a de los casos el que se solicite no quiere decir que se vaya a obtener. Por ejemplo, en el caso de haber permanecido en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido puede darse al mismo tiempo que se aplique el castigo de los tres y de los diez aà ±os. En el caso de que se haya utilizado la visa para fines no autorizados, como por ejemplo estudiar, o para trabajar, no hay castigo pero es muy difà ­cil que en esas circunstancias se obtenga una nueva visa. Cuando ya ha pasado tiempo desde que se produjo la cancelacià ³n y las circunstancias de la persona han cambiado en ocasiones el oficial consular puede sugerir que se solicite un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Evita Que Te Cancelen La Visa Con Conocimiento Toma este quiz sobre visas de turista que hemos elaborado para que compruebes si tienes los conocimientos bsicos para obtenerla y conservarla. Lo importante es evitar la cancelacià ³n, ya que a partir de ahà ­ puede ser muy complicado volverla a obtener. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Missing Pet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Missing Pet - Assignment Example Were any assumptions they made unreasonable? Fred and Dwayne were armed with more than enough experience, brains, commitment and motivation needed for business success but the numbers didn’t exactly add up. They had perfect access to the market since they knew the industry well because of their long term association with the industry. Fred being a sales person had access to customers whereas since Dwayne was a buyer he had contacts with suppliers strengthening the business and justifying their business plans. Fred's 6 years experience and Dwayne's 9 year experience with an impeccable background of bringing profits was also a bonus to the business as both of them brought with them diverse, successful experience from the same industry. Their business plans were accurate and while Dwayne shored customers, Fred worked to draw business plans. The business started after considerable long term planning and at least studying the market for seven months, therefore their business and ma rket analysis and projections can also be considered accurate. The only glitch in the plan and the initial hurdle was a lack of financing which was assured by a friend. The problem with the plan was that it was a personally guaranteed bank debt which was not guaranteed well after the initiation of business. Thus access to capital was not present and the availability was not confirmed. This could stop all activity as capital is the lifeblood of business and eventually led to problems. Thus though Fred and Dwayne were armed with all intangible resources for business, the main resource which was financing was not available and led to business problems as they had wrongfully assumed its sure availability and the opposite happened. 2) What were the ethical issues facing Dwayne and Fred in contemplating starting their business? The main ethical dilemma for Fred and Dwayne was to be loyal to their current employer despite knowing that he is going to be their competitor eventually. Working with diligence for ACME pets meant that they will be penetrating and securing the market for ACME, thus decreasing the saturation level of the market and thus reducing their potential for future success. Being completely honest to ACME will mean that they will be grounding ACME more firmly which is not viable for their future business but their ethical and moral responsibility now. This meant they had to decide between their future benefits and current ethical responsibilities. 3) Build a simple income statement for Fred and Dwayne's first year based on the numbers in the case. Based on the first years projected profit, is this business worth it? Why or Why not? What additional information do you need? Income statement Gross income $1000000 Cost of goods sold(Inventory) - $ 700000 Operating expenses+ interest - $ 288000 Startup costs - $ 87500 Net income (loss) $ - 75500 The projected income for the first year in business is the loss of $75500, but that includes the startup costs as well. The first year for any business is very crucial and businesses normally suffer a loss in the first year. It is generally after the first year that businesses break even and start generating profits so losses should not deter Fred and Dwayne from initiating the business. It should also be considered that the amount of losses is less than the startup costs which will not be incurred in the second year and thus the business can expect reasonable returns and profit in the second year. Thus this business idea is qyuite feasible. Other expenses incurred are also needed and the amount of taxes incurred will also be needed to generate a definite income statement. 4) What would you recommend Dwayne and Fred to do in their current situation? What are their options? If at all possible how might they make this work? Dwayne

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings - Essay Example "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings’’ is the reflection of relations between real and divine worlds. Firstly, it should be noted that there is no need to focus on reality of the events. It is better to open the minds of readers to new opportunities and creative triggers. It is even impossible to claim whether this angel is real or not, or from which world he has come from. Common people are unable to meet with the miracle and when they have this magic opportunity they even do not know what to do. Angel tries to teach people in patience, which is almost a supernatural feature and it is hardly conceivable by the people. There is no cruelty or anger about this angel. Maybe, it is his main intention to teach people to be more tolerant and friendly. This is the main question, I am interested in. A didactic nature of this story should be found in the Angel’s distant guidance of people and not in imposing doctrines of goodness or patience on them. The Angel is capable of making miracles, but people do not seem to be ready for them. Thus, for example, when he is asked to return vision to a blind man, the latter obtains three teeth. What is even more scaring is that people’s greediness prevents them from close relations with the h Angel and good natured emotions shown towards him. They are so much focused on their own troubles and even their achievements do not make them happier. Pelayo and Elisenda do not care much about the Angel, they just clean him from time to time, but they do not want to think deeply and obtain magical lessons from the Angel.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How do you feel that Native Americans were portrayed in the works of Essay

How do you feel that Native Americans were portrayed in the works of Ben Franklin and John Smith Do the authors treat them in a - Essay Example However, at the same time, he started viewing Native Americans favorably on the same lines as the White Americans, degrading or belittling the Black Americans in some of his writings. In his 1751 essay, â€Å"Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind,† Franklin wished that America could be for whites and Native Indians only, writing, â€Å"Why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawnys, of increasing the lovely White† (). In addition, Franklin understood the culture of Native Americans and also lobbied to protect them, against any retribution by the majority population. He wrote, â€Å"If an Indian injures me, does it follow that I may revenge that injury on all Indians? ... If it be right to kill men for such a reason, then, should any man with a freckled face and red hair kill a wife or child of mine.† (). Capt. John Smith, an English soldier, explorer and author, was known for establishing the first English settlement in North America in Jamestown, Virginia.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Translating the Sixties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Translating the Sixties - Essay Example According to Joshua, this 60s decade was also termed the Swinging Sixties due to the relaxation or fall of some of the social taboos especially those that are related to the racism and sexism that took place during that time. However, the 1960s decade has resultantly become synonymous with the new subversive and radical trends and events of the period, which developed continually between the 1970s through to 1990s and beyond. Therefore this paper seeks to highlight how Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, translated the period, what was different about the story in illustrating the events of the sixties than the real thing. In addition, the paper will assess how the constellation of the historical moments of the 60s ended through discussion of the social, cultural, economic, and political events of the decade ended or changed according to the story, The Things They Carried. In accordance to Tim O'Brien's writings, the 1960s decade was also characterized by war movements. The Vietnam War eventually would have resulted to the commitment of more than a half a million troops of Americans that could result into the deaths of over 58500 Americans that may have produced an anti war movement in large scale in the American nations. By 1965, some few Americans made efforts to protest the involvement of America in the Vietnam War. The war however continued and the dead counts multiplied leading to the escalation of the civil unrest. The students and campuses of various Universities became so powerful and had disruptive force which sparked debates over the war nationally. Doubts about the war within the administration itself arose as the ideals of the movements spread beyond the university campuses. There was a mass movement that opposed the war of Vietnam that eventually ended the mass of the Moratorium protests in the year 1969 alongside the movement that resisted conscription for the war. In Tim O'Brien's short story The Things They Carried, the a trocious physical fears and conditions of a man that he is subjected to in order to have his reputation save is clearly revealed. The story illustrates the events of 1968, a story concerning the Infantry Platoon who fights in the Vietnam jungles including the weight which were both emotional and physical that they had to carry. The modern warriors of the day were particularly equipped with everything one could imagine. The book tries to translate the events of the sixties from what happened to the real things, according to Tim O'Brien, necessity determined most of the things they carried. Some of those things they had to carry as dictated by necessity were the pocketknives can openers, flak jackets, and helmets (O'Brien 281). Additionally, they carried other things that were basically determined by particular ranks of the warriors and their specialty such as weapons, radios, and ammunition (O'Brien 283). Superstition also contributed to the selection of some of the items they carrie s. These are things that were common with war in the sixties. For instance, a particular soldier carried a thumb cut from a dead VC body and another had the foot of a rabbit. The soldiers also carried other items that served the purposes of emotional comfort such as a pair of the pantyhose belonging to their girlfriends and bibles (O'Brien 287). The conditions of the weather in Vietnam were particularly harsh, humid and hot days and nights which were

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Problems Of EFL Speaking In Thailand

Problems Of EFL Speaking In Thailand Introduction This chapter provides introductory description regarding the pronunciation of English sound by Thais. It describes the problems of EFL speaking in Thailand, function of English in Thailand, and the teaching pronunciation in EFL curriculum in Thailand providing the content designed of communicative speaking skills. This is followed by significance of the study, the purpose of the study, research questions, scope and ending with limitations of the study. 1.1 Background to the study Problems of EFL Speaking in Thailand In line with the role of English as an international lingua franca, Thailand has taken several measures to incorporate English into its education system. For example, in 1995, the Thai government made English language study compulsory from primary school (Sedgwick, 2005). Based on my two-year English teaching experience at school, Narathiwat, Thailand, however, many Thai students still have problems using English, especially in the area of pronunciation. One of the reasons for this is the lack of exposure to English language use outside the classroom. Another could be due to the differences between the phonetic and phonological systems of English and their first language. Next, they all might be taught and emphasized only the rule of grammar and increasing their English vocabulary but might not be practiced English pronunciation properly. On the one hand, formal pronunciation instruction should not be neglected in all foreign language classrooms since pronunciation plays important ro les in communication which is the fundamental element of foreign language learning: as it has been claim from the most of Thai people that teachers should speak the target language during their foreign language class. Due to the lack of time on teaching English pronunciation in the classroom, Thai students have not been instructed in the area of pronunciation sufficiently. In Thailand, only the students doing bachelor degree in English field are aware of how the sound is produced correctly and of the English vowel sound both in terms of vowel quality and vowel length but not for others. Hence, some students are aware only of quantity differences of the vowels but never being realized of quality of the vowels. Moreover, some are not aware of both the quality and the quantity differences between each pair of the vowel sound. Previous studies on the English pronunciation of Thai speakers have found that they do not contrast vowel length (Chantachorn 2003). For instance, Thai speakers tend not distinguish between vowel pairs like /É ª/-/i/ and /ÊÅ  /-/uË /, resulting in words like ship and sheep, and fool and full being produced as homophones. However, most of the published studies on the production of English vowels by Thai speakers are impressionistic in nature, and hence, the current study aims to examine the production of English vowels by Thai speakers through acoustic analysis. It also aims to examine the extent to which the production of vowels is influenced by Thai vowels. Those problems of spoken English by Thai students are influenced by the following factors: functions of English, English language education, and teaching of English pronunciation. Functions of English in Thailand In Thailand, recently, the role of English is obviously important as it is used for international communication. New technology and World Wide Web have been developed rapidly resulting in a greater transition in education, business, tourism and economic affairs which all interrelate commanding high English proficiency. Thai government officials use English for international conference and communication. For example, ASEAN summit which is a meeting held by ASEAN in relation to economic growth, social progress and cultural development of Southeast Asian Nations. In the commercial part, English is used by entrepreneur, tourist agencies, hotels, airlines and even bank to communicate with foreigners, as well as business for import and export. Beside this, English is the most important for the tourist area in Thailand. For instances, Phuket island, Krabi and Phangna located in southern of Thailand are very popular among Westerners. Therefore, Thais who leave in tourist area need to communicate with them in English even sometimes they do not communicate effectively. This may be due to faulty pronunciations which lead to communication breakdown. Some researchers foreign friends have blamed that most of the Thai people cannot communicate well, especially for people who come from Deep South of Thailand which are Narathiwat, Pattani, and Yala provinces. This could be due to there are not so many foreigners come there and Deep South is not a tourist area. This also cause the students in the area do not have much motivation in learning English. Another group of English user is in mass media and publications. Some news channels and variety shows in Thai television program use English as a medium to perform their program. The examples of such programs are English breakfast program on TV Thai channel providing English knowledge together with entertainment such as idiom for everyday life, grammar as well as English pronunciation. Chris Delivery once famous English teaching program on channel TTB5 and English minutes a short program on channel 5. Furthermore, the Hollywood movies are played in the cinemas around Thailand with English sound track and Thai sub-title. However, most Thais prefer to watch the Hollywood movies playing Thai sound track to English one. Moreover, there are also News program using English as a medium played on channel MCOT. Thailand outlook channel is a 24 hours English language news channel broadcasted by ASTV (Asia Satellite television) which provide news and insight into Thai affairs that really matter and affect both Thai and foreign residents. The Nation and Bangkok Post are well known and widely read by foreigners and educated Thai readers all over Thailand. For the English magazines, Nation Junior and Student Weekly have been well-liked among Thai teenagers. Since English is a global language, Thai government has tried to get all mass media involved with English language in order to serve Thais and support them to learn English. Finally, English, therefore, works as a language for basic informal education in Thailand. Although English is not a medium of teaching in school level, it enables students to learn and understand differences of languages and cultures, customs and traditions, thinking, society, economy, politics and administration (Ministry of Education 2001). All in all, these functions reveal that Thailand has attempted to use English in many ways to make Thais get use to English language however these approaches only work on some Thai groups and some of Thais still not getting familiar with English perception and production skills which are listening, speaking , reading and writing. English language education in Thailand Learning foreign language serves an important and essential tool for communication, education, seeking knowledge, livelihood and creating understanding the culture and vision of the world community (Ministry of Education 2001). Although English is not only the foreign language in Thailand, clearly can be seen that English language still play a dominant role as it is mainly used to communicate to make a connection and cooperation between people around the world. English has been known as an international language and many Thai people have been getting involved with it for decades. Most of them implicate with English language used in their daily lives from many media such as text, television, radio and newspaper. The people who get into school, of course, they have known English language at the beginning of the first primary school level. As mentioned above that English language has been made as compulsory subject starting at primary school in 1995 in Thailand. However, the curriculum was revised once more in 1996 and English is now taught as a subject in Grade 1 to 12(Sarmah, Gogoi Wiltshire 2009). All students have to take English language as a compulsory subject every semester for primary and secondary school levels. This means that they have to take English course at least 9 credits for primary level and 12 credits for secondary level. In the upper secondary level, at least 6 credits are required for them (240 hours). Due to limited time as for 2 periods/hours a week, leading to limited lesson for pronunciation. Furthermore, six English courses are required for all learners in four -year curriculum at the undergraduate level (Chusanachoti 2009). These few English courses are only a little period of time exposed to English language use. The Thai Ministry of Education has encouraged several approaches in English course syllabus to enhance the intelligibility in English language used such as a learner-centered approach, communicative language approach as well as language for specific purpose. Within those approaches, the area of pronunciation has also been taught in terms of conversation and reading out loud. Nevertheless, the most of the contents still focus on reading and writing skill for examples reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary. This could be primarily due to a difficulty in teaching pronunciation, especially at primary level and lower secondary level: students feel shy to express and utter an English sound making them not to cooperate with the activities provided. As a consequence, most of the teachers feel oppressed to teach pronunciation. At the primary school level (grade 1-6), students should be able to know the English Alphabet, to read a simple word aloud, to spell an easy vocabulary, to read simple conversation and story. However, the course syllabus has been focused very few on the pronunciation and reading out loud. Furthermore, in a period of secondary school, the fundamental English course requires the students to be able to listen, read, write and speak communicatively at the level of their own. For instances, at grade 6 level, they are requires to be able to communicate naturally in everyday life, to explain or tell a story of their own lives and history. But, as can be seen obviously that students still speak English poorly, even though they have studied English for 12 years (primary school-secondary school). This could be due to less attention on pronunciation lesson and a lack of exposure to English language used out side the class room. In addition, they tend to pay more attention on reading to be able to comprehend the content of the text and grammar in order to pass the final exam for all grade level students and to success in getting a high score from the national university entrance exam. Beside this, to emphasize on pronunciation and let students learn and know each sound correctly, teachers should instruct students to learn the relationship of each letters and its sound. This will not only help them in reading and spelling but also will master them in speaking. Moreover, teaching students to know how the sounds are produced will also support them to be aware of different sound and its characteristics. Teaching pronunciation in EFL curriculum in Thailand Pronunciation instruction has sometime been neglected in most EFL classroom. In another word, it is not given much more attention by the teacher in the classroom. In EFL curriculum in Thailand, spoken English has been played through these following main contents: language for communication, language and culture, language and relationship with other learning areas and language and relationship with community and the world (Ministry of education 2001). The Thai Ministry of Education has placed teaching pronunciation instruction to all school level at primary and secondary school. Generally at Grades 1-3, students are expected to be able to know and pronounce the English alphabet, words, phrases, and simple sentences simultaneously with observing the principle of pronunciation. The tasks focus on learning basic phonology system which involves specifying the letter sound and vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u), spelling the words correctly and reading some basic words and sentences out loud as well as getting students practice on producing initial and final consonant, rhythm and intonation. Besides, the students would be engaged in interpersonal communication by asking them to use short and simple word that they have heard. These include using requested words such as pleas do not make a noise and can you help me, please?. Moreover, Students grade one, two and three should be able to differentiate the consonance sound and speak common sentenc es in imitating a real situation in the classroom. At Grade 4-6 primary education level, students are trained to speak English through expressing their needs feeling and opinion. They also should be able to tell story about themselves, friends and family to others. The ability in using English to communicate in various situations is required for them. During secondary education, speaking activities in the EFL curriculum, students are required to be able to listen, speak, read and write appropriately with their own grades both at upper and lower levels. Generally at the lower secondary level, communicative speaking tasks are played through various speaking activities such as dialogue speaking, speaking for short conversation, speaking for giving the information around them and showing opinion about the matters around them in the current situation. Reading aloud is also emphasized by training students to read some story in text books, newspaper and some simple English poem out loud in front of the classroom. By these school levels, in fact, the practice on production of English vowel sound appears in the curriculum designed. For instance, students should be able to read all text out loud by observing the basic principle of pronunciation. This means they would discriminate the differences of English vowel sound in term of vowel lengt h. The emphasis of communicative speaking at the upper secondary level is on asking for information, accurately read out loud text, news, announcement, advertisement, skits and poem and having conversations to exchange some information, experience, opinion in current situation in Thailand and overseas. These activities will be done by having a role-play in the classroom. For example, divide students in a group and ask them to create some situation by imitating the real situation in day life. Some students play as news reporters and some play a short drama in front of their friend. As a matter of fact, although there are some contents on English pronunciation practice, the limited time as mentioned above is one of obstacles of practicing pronunciation. In addition, in the EFL context, Thai secondary students appear to use and give attention on English literacy skills of reading and writing rather than listening and oral skills (Bennui 2003). Significance of the Study An acoustic analysis of English vowels produced by Thai speakers will yield more reliable information on the characteristics of the vowels produced, in particular vowel quality and vowel length for monophthong vowels, and the former for diphthongs. Such information will enable comparisons with the acoustic characteristics of vowels in Thai, making it possible to compare the vowel systems of English and Thai, and henceforth to determine the influence of L1 on English. The findings on the extent to which Thai speakers can perceive English vowel contrast will help in the understanding of the relationship between perception and production of vowel contrast in English as it can be argued that if they are unable to perceive vowel contrast, they may not be able to produce the contrast. The information will also provide valuable insights to the area of pronunciation teaching in Thailand. The Purpose of the Study The current study is based on an instrumental analysis of English vowels produced by native speakers of Thai and investigates if there is any acoustic evidence of vowel contrast between vowels in Thai and English. It also aims to examine the extent to which the vowels produced by the Thai subjects share similar characteristics with a native and neighboring variety of English. The study also intents to examine the perception of English vowels by Thai speakers. In relation to these, the purpose of this study is to answer the following research questions: What are the acoustic properties of English vowels produced by Thai speakers? To what extent is there vowel contrast between traditional vowel pairs of /iË / /É ª/, /e/ /Ó†¢/, /ÊÅ   / /uË /, /ÊŒ/ /É‘Ë / and /É’/ /Ɇ:/? To what extent is the production of English vowels influenced by the speakers L1? To what extent do the vowels produced by Thai subjects share similar characteristics with British (BritE) and Malaysian English (MalE)? To what extent can Thai speakers perceive vowel contrast in English? The Scope and Limitations of the Study This work is limited to the acoustic properties of English monophthong and diphthongs as produced by 15 female students from one secondary school in one particular area of Thailand Narathiwat. Moreover, the data were collected by recording the subjects in word list and informal speech context. Thai speeches were recorded by 5 female subjects in order to enable comparison of Thai vowels with the English produced by the target subjects.